Loose Threads


RISD Museum Exhibition / Loose Threads/ Hilos Sueltos


In this body of work, I’ve collaborated with four artisans from my home country, Guatemala: Apolonio Vicente, Vinicio Vicente, Mario Poz, and Manuel Otsojay. They all use traditional craft methods with natural materials: wicker, wool, and cotton. I interweave, overlap, and knot mementos from my childhood with current ideas and dialogues that contain loose threads to the work. All of the layers merge in fluid forms with texture and movement. The curtains let light in, the rug sets warmth, and the ‘‘cayuco’’ invites you to slow down.

I aim to push back against the devaluing of craft traditions, especially in a globalized market. I would prefer for modernist form and function to give way to a more horizontal and inclusive approach between different kinds of makers. These works aim to sustain traditional Guatemalan crafts, job opportunities for local communities, and building collaborative infrastructure.


Loose Threads Rug




Loose Curtain